Some words about us
Our school, the only academic grammar school in town, is located in the town of Kazincbarcika in the north-east part of Hungary. The school is a relatively young institution founded in 1962.
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The number of the students is around 600 and the staff includes about 45-50 teachers.
About our system:
- a great percentage of our students receives general academic education
- one class in each year receives a 6-year education (from the age of 12 to 18)
- one class in each year receives a 5-year education spending the first year (9th grade) learning a language and computer science only
- Many of our students live in the town but a growing number of them (at present about 35%) commutes from the nearby villages every day.
- As our language is rarely spoken outside our borders we put great emphasis on teaching languages. English is the most popular language, however, many students also learn German, French or Latin.
- 85%-90% of the school leavers are admitted to a university or college.
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